
Živjo lepotičke!
Danes sem se odločila,da bom z vami delila nekaj nasvetov glede tekoče podlage. Sama sem imela vedno težave z iskanjem prave podlage,ki bi izboljšala videz moje kože ter ji po potrebi nudila prekrivnost. Vedno se mi je zdelo pomembno,da imam dobro podlago, saj imam tako prazno platno in se lahko lažje naličim. Na žalost je moja podlaga bila vedno oranžna ali bela (Ja..nikoli se ne zadovoljite z videzom podlage,ko jo preizkušate v drogeriji pod groznimi lučmi -.-).

Hi beauties! 
Today I decided that I will share with you some tips about foundation. I always had trouble finding the right founadtion to improve the appearance of my skin and, where necessary, provide coverage.
My skin has always been problematic, and when I started using makeup I didt  knew anything about it. I always felt it was important to have a good foundation, because I then have a  blank canvas and do my makeup from scratch. Unfortunately, my founadtion was always orange or white (Yeah..never be  satisfied with the appearance of youre makeup, when tested at the drugstore under the terrible lights -.-).
Da najdete pravo podlago je najbolj pomembno,da veste podton vaše kože.  Lahko imate bolj topel,hladen ali nevtralen podton.
1. TEST: Poglejte svoje zapestje. Če imate bolj modre žile imate najverjetneje hladen podton,ki ima bolj roza tone na vaši koži. Če imate bolj zelene žile imate najverjetneje topel podton. Če imate mešanico obojega imate nevtralen podton.
2. TEST. Če ste na soncu in vas hitro opeče ter imate zelo rdečo kožo imate hladen podton,če se hitro in lepo potemneli in imate lepo rjavo,zlato kožo imate topel podton. Če se potemnite počasi in skoraj nikoli opečete imate nevtralen podton.
3. TEST: Lase si spnite v čop in vzamite list papirja in ga postavite zraven obraza,ampak glejte vrat,prsi ter rame. Test delajte pri dnevni svetlobi. Če pridejo do izraza roza in modri toni imate hladen podton,če pa do izraza pridejo zeleni in zlati ali rumeni podtoni pa imate topel podton.
Nekaj opisov in slikovni primeri podtonov/ Descriptions and pictures
To find the right foundation is very important to know your skin undertone. You can have a more warm, cool or neutral undertones. 
TEST 1: Look at your wrist. If you have more blue veins you most likely have a cool undertone, which has more pink tones in your skin. If you have more green veins you most likely have a warm undertone. If you have a mixture of both you have a neutral undertone.
TEST 2: If you are in the sun and you quickly burn and you have very red skin you have cool undertones, If  you tan fast  and you have a nice brown, golden skin you have a warm undertone. If darken slowly and almost never burns you have a neutral undertone.
TEST 3: Tie back your hair in a ponytail and take a sheet of paper and place it next to your face, butlook at the throat, chest and shoulders. Do the test in daylight. If standes out light pink and blue tones you have a cool undertone, but if standes out light green and gold or yellow tones you have a warm undertone.

Če imate različne podtone obraza in vratu,morate vedno upoštevati tone od obraza navzdol. Torej,če imate hladen ton obraza in topel ton preostalega dela telesa,izberite podlago z toplim tonom,da se bo vse lepo zlilo in boste imeli enak ton. Če imate hladen ton obraza in telesa,izberite podlago z nevtralnim tonom,saj če nanesete podlago z istim tonom obraza dobite rdeč ton. Če vas zmedejo vsi ti podatki in podtoni,izberite podlago z nevtralnim tonom.

If you have different undertones of the face and neck, look at  the tone of the body. So if you have a cool tone face and a warm tone body, choose a foundation with a warm tone that will blened and you will have the same tone. If you have a cool tone of the face and body, choose a foundation with a neutral tone, because if you apply pink tonned foundation on a pink tonned face you get a red tone. If you are confused by all this information and undertones, choose a foundation with a neutral tone.
Ko ugotovite kateri ton podlage vam odgovarja je čas,da izberete med odtenki. Ker mnogo podlag v drogerijah nima napisanih za kateri podton so, je najbolje,da se pozanimate pri prodajalki ali pa pogledate na spletnih straneh znamke vaše podlage in pudra. Za enkrat imajo samo Lorealove podlage naveden podton,zato priporočam,da najdete svoj odtenek z Lorealovo podlago in jo nato primerjate s svojo. Podton lahko ugotovite tudi,če vzamete  tri različne podlage.To naj bosta bolj roza podlaga in rumenkasta podlaga.Rumena je za topel podton,roza za hladen in mešanica obeh za nevtralen podton. Naredite črte vsake na čeljustih in vratu ter tudi na ključnici,da se bo res vse ujemalo.Če je ena preveč roza na vaši koži in druga preveč rumena,izberite podlago,ki je mešanica obeh. Pravi podton bo tisti,ki se bo najbolj ujemal z vašo kožo.Če vam podton odgovarja primerjajte odtenke. Če ste zelo svetle polti vzamite prve tri odtenke v vašem podtonu in spet naredite tri črte na istem mestu. Nekaj sekund po nanosu primerjajte črte in poglejte katera črta izgine na vratu,saj je ta prava za vas.

When you find whats you undertone,its  time to choose the shade. Many foundations  in drugstores dont say which undertone are they, it is best to contact the sellers or look on the website of your foundation brand and powder. For once there is only Loreal foundations that have undertone, so I recommend that you find your shade with Loreal and then compare it with your foundation.  You can  find the undertone of foundation, if you take three different foundation.Those should be the basis of pink and yellowish shade of foundation .Yellow for a warm undertone, pink cold and a mixture of both for neutral undertone. Make each line of the jaw and neck, as well as on the collar that will really all blened.If the line is  too  pink on your skin and the other too yellow, choose a foundation that is a mixture of both. The right undertone will be the one that fits best with your undertone .When you finde youre undertone,pick the right shade. If you are very fair-skinned Take the first three shades in your undertone and again make three lines on the same site. A few seconds after application compare lines and see which line disappears on the neck, because that is the right one for you.

Tukaj najdete svoj odtenek Lorealove True Match podlage
Here you can find youre shade in Loreal True Match foundation:

Upam,da so vam ti nasveti kaj pomagali in da boste lažje našle svojo pravo podlago.
I hope these tips help you and that you will find youre perfect foundation.

xoxo Tjaša:**

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