Beauty tips
Tricks and Tips for more awake and fresh look / Triki in nasveti za buden in svež videz
Hej punce!:)
Imela sem kar dolgo ter neprespano noč in sem se danes zbudila zelo utrujena, ampak je bilo treba vstat,se obleči in se vsaj malo urediti za današnje opravke.
Hey girls :)
I had quite a long and sleepless night and today I woke up very tired, but it was necessary to get up, get dressed and be at least a little edit for today's errands.
Na našem obrazu in koži se dolga noč precej pozna saj smo dehidrirani in zabuhleni,oči imamo rdeče in se počutimo kot, da bi nas povozil avtobus. Težko je vstati po taki noči,še težje pa se urediti. Tukaj je nekaj trikov in nasvetov s katerimi se boste zbudili in se uredili tako,da se težka noč,ki ste jo preživele sploh ne bo opazila.
On our face and skin, the long night is quite visible because we are dehydrated and puffy, we have red eyes, and we feel as if we were hit by a bus. It's hard to get up after a long night and even more difficult to get ready. Here are few tricks and tips which can help you to wake up and get ready so that the late night isn't visible.
1. Dobro si umijte obraz z mlačno vodo, na koncu umivanja pa še malo z mrzlo vodo na obrazu, saj bo zaprla pore in počutili se boste zelo osvežujoče!
1.Wash your face with warm water, and at the end of washing add a little bit of cold water on your face, it will close the pores and make you feel very refreshed!
2. Dajte nekaj hladnega pod očmi. To so lahko žlice,ki jih imate bar minut v hladilniku (JA,pomaga..), čajne vrečke, kumare, kar hočete! Hladno temperature bodo zmanjšali zabuhlost pod očmi. Da ne omenjam odličnega občutka mrzlih žlic na utrujenih očeh. Lahko uporabite tudi kako kremo za oči.
2 Put some cold things under the eyes. This may be a spoon that you have for a fiew minutes in the refrigerator (yes, help ..), tea bags, cucumbers, you name it! Cold temperatures will reduce puffiness under the eyes. Not to mention the great feeling of cold spoons on tired eyes. You can also use an eye cream too.
3. Vlažilna koža je tako pomembno, tudi če imate mastno kožo! Naša koža je videti zelo dolgočasno in starejše, ko smo utrujeni, zato je zelo pomembno, da ima vlago, ki jo potrebuje.
3. Moisturizing the skin is very important, even if you have oily skin! Our skin looks very dull and older, when we are tired, so it is very important that we have the moisture it needs.
4. Če imate rdeče oči,ko se zbudite,uporabite kapljice za oči,da bodo bolj sveže.
4. If you have red eyes when you wake up, use eye drops that will be more fresh.
5. Za ličila uporabljajte svetle barve. Če hočete podlago je za taka jutra najbolj primerna BB ali CC krema ali pa podlaga,ki nima matt učinka. Uporabite korektor za mozoljčke,kakšne nepravilnosti ter pod očmi,da zakrijete temne podočnjake. Lahko uporabite tudi osvetljevalec,ki bo dodatno pripomogel k bolj svežemo,mlademu videzu.
Za oči uporabite svetlejše senčilo in ga nanesite tudi v notranje kote očesa. Uporabite senčilo za veke le malo temnejša od vaše kože. Blendiranje senčila v gubo področju bo odprlo oči, dokler ta ni pretemen.
5. For makeup, use bright colors. If you want a covrage its best suited BB or CC cream or a foundation that doesnt have a matt effect. Use a concealer for pimples, any irregularities and under the eyes to hide dark circles. You can also use the illuminator, which will further contribute to a more fresh, young appearance.
For the eyes, use lighter eyeshadow and apply it in the inner corners of the eye. Use eyeshadow just a little darker than your skin. Blending eyeshadow in the crease area will open your eyes until it is not too dark.
6. Izogibajte se črni. Edino črno kar uporabite naj bo maskara,ki jo nanesete zgoraj in spodaj in bo to zelo odprlo oči. Ne uporabljajte eyelinerja, ampak barvico svetle barve.
6. Avoid black. The only black you should use is mascara, which you applie above and below and it will open up youre eyes Do not use eyeliners, but pencil that is a bright color.
7. Uporabite bronzer,da obrazu povrnete barvo. Uporabite tudi bolj pinki rdečilo in nežno roza barvo glosa.
7. Use bronzer to your face to bring some color to youre skin. Use a more gentle Pink Red and pink gloss
Uživajte lepotičke:**
Enjoy beauties: **
Imela sem kar dolgo ter neprespano noč in sem se danes zbudila zelo utrujena, ampak je bilo treba vstat,se obleči in se vsaj malo urediti za današnje opravke.
Hey girls :)
I had quite a long and sleepless night and today I woke up very tired, but it was necessary to get up, get dressed and be at least a little edit for today's errands.
Na našem obrazu in koži se dolga noč precej pozna saj smo dehidrirani in zabuhleni,oči imamo rdeče in se počutimo kot, da bi nas povozil avtobus. Težko je vstati po taki noči,še težje pa se urediti. Tukaj je nekaj trikov in nasvetov s katerimi se boste zbudili in se uredili tako,da se težka noč,ki ste jo preživele sploh ne bo opazila.
On our face and skin, the long night is quite visible because we are dehydrated and puffy, we have red eyes, and we feel as if we were hit by a bus. It's hard to get up after a long night and even more difficult to get ready. Here are few tricks and tips which can help you to wake up and get ready so that the late night isn't visible.
1. Dobro si umijte obraz z mlačno vodo, na koncu umivanja pa še malo z mrzlo vodo na obrazu, saj bo zaprla pore in počutili se boste zelo osvežujoče!
1.Wash your face with warm water, and at the end of washing add a little bit of cold water on your face, it will close the pores and make you feel very refreshed!
2. Dajte nekaj hladnega pod očmi. To so lahko žlice,ki jih imate bar minut v hladilniku (JA,pomaga..), čajne vrečke, kumare, kar hočete! Hladno temperature bodo zmanjšali zabuhlost pod očmi. Da ne omenjam odličnega občutka mrzlih žlic na utrujenih očeh. Lahko uporabite tudi kako kremo za oči.
2 Put some cold things under the eyes. This may be a spoon that you have for a fiew minutes in the refrigerator (yes, help ..), tea bags, cucumbers, you name it! Cold temperatures will reduce puffiness under the eyes. Not to mention the great feeling of cold spoons on tired eyes. You can also use an eye cream too.
3. Vlažilna koža je tako pomembno, tudi če imate mastno kožo! Naša koža je videti zelo dolgočasno in starejše, ko smo utrujeni, zato je zelo pomembno, da ima vlago, ki jo potrebuje.
3. Moisturizing the skin is very important, even if you have oily skin! Our skin looks very dull and older, when we are tired, so it is very important that we have the moisture it needs.
4. Če imate rdeče oči,ko se zbudite,uporabite kapljice za oči,da bodo bolj sveže.
4. If you have red eyes when you wake up, use eye drops that will be more fresh.
5. Za ličila uporabljajte svetle barve. Če hočete podlago je za taka jutra najbolj primerna BB ali CC krema ali pa podlaga,ki nima matt učinka. Uporabite korektor za mozoljčke,kakšne nepravilnosti ter pod očmi,da zakrijete temne podočnjake. Lahko uporabite tudi osvetljevalec,ki bo dodatno pripomogel k bolj svežemo,mlademu videzu.
Za oči uporabite svetlejše senčilo in ga nanesite tudi v notranje kote očesa. Uporabite senčilo za veke le malo temnejša od vaše kože. Blendiranje senčila v gubo področju bo odprlo oči, dokler ta ni pretemen.
5. For makeup, use bright colors. If you want a covrage its best suited BB or CC cream or a foundation that doesnt have a matt effect. Use a concealer for pimples, any irregularities and under the eyes to hide dark circles. You can also use the illuminator, which will further contribute to a more fresh, young appearance.
For the eyes, use lighter eyeshadow and apply it in the inner corners of the eye. Use eyeshadow just a little darker than your skin. Blending eyeshadow in the crease area will open your eyes until it is not too dark.
6. Izogibajte se črni. Edino črno kar uporabite naj bo maskara,ki jo nanesete zgoraj in spodaj in bo to zelo odprlo oči. Ne uporabljajte eyelinerja, ampak barvico svetle barve.
6. Avoid black. The only black you should use is mascara, which you applie above and below and it will open up youre eyes Do not use eyeliners, but pencil that is a bright color.
7. Uporabite bronzer,da obrazu povrnete barvo. Uporabite tudi bolj pinki rdečilo in nežno roza barvo glosa.
7. Use bronzer to your face to bring some color to youre skin. Use a more gentle Pink Red and pink gloss
Uživajte lepotičke:**
Enjoy beauties: **