Dan lepotičke!
Hello beauties!
Danes želim z vami deliti svoje mnenje o čistilnih obližih za nos,ki globinsko čistijo pore in odstranjujejo ogrce. Dolgo sem iskala takšne trakove in sem končno našla ene z Essence pure skin kolekcije,ki stanejo samo 1.88€. Hotela sem poskusiti kakšne od Nivea ali Garnier znamke,ampak za enkrat sem jih zasledila samo med Essence in Balea znamkami.
Hello beauties!
Today I want to share with you my opinion about nose strips that deep clean pores and remove blackheads. I was searching these nose strips for soo long, and I finally found ones from Essence pure skin collection, costing only 1.88 €. I wanted to try some of Nivea or Garnier brands, but for once I found them just in Essence and Balea marks.
Obliži so zapakirani v majhni,modri zložeki v kateri so tri vrečkice in v vsaki en obliž. Ko hočemo obliž uporabit,moramo najprej navlažit nos in predel okoli. Obliž z prijetnim vonjem zelenega čaja odstranimo s plastične folije in ga nanesemo na vlažen nos. Pustimo delovati 10-15 min.
The strips are packaged in a small, blue brochure in which are three bags with one strip in each bag. When we use the strip, we first need to moisten our nose and the area around. We need to remove the strip with the pleasant scent of green tea from the plastic and place it on the nose. We leave it on for 10-15 min.
Ko sem prvič uporabila obliž sem se zelo veselila,da bom končno odstranila vso nečistočo s kože,ampak sem bila razočarana že,ko sem si nanašala obliž,saj se mi zdelo,da ni dovolj širok,da bi prekril predel na levi in desni strani ob nosu. Razočaranje se je nadaljevalo tudi po odstranitvi obliža. Sama sicer nimam dosti ogrc,ampak sem vseeno pričakovala boljši rezultat. Ker sem hotela izdelku dati drugo priložnost,sem obliže podarila osebam s večimi ogrcami,saj sem upala,da bodo vsaj njim izboljšali kožo. Tudi njim se je zdelo,da obliž ni dovolj širok,ampak po 15 min so bili zadovoljni,saj jim je obliž odstranil večino ogrc.
When I first used the strip I was very excited that I will finally remove all the dirt from my skin, but I was disappointed when I applied the patch, because I felt that it wasnt wide enough to overlap the area on the left and right sides of the nose. Frustration continued after I removed the patch. Personally I do not have a lot of blackhead, but I still expected a better result. Because I wanted to give this product a second chance, I gave the patches to people with more blackheads, because I was hoping that it will at least improve there skin. They also thought that the patch is not wide enough, but after 15 min they were happy because the patch removed most of the blackheads.
Med osebami,ki so poskusili obliže je bilo tudi nekaj fantov,tako da jih lahko uporabljajo vsi,ki imajo težave z ogrci. Učinkovitost izdelka pa je odvisna od tega,če imate dosti ogrc ali malo,kot v mojem primeru. Če imate dosti ogrc in vam en obliž ne odstrani vse,priporočam da uporabite dva. Izdelek zame ni najboljši (saj je samo 1.88 €),ni pa tudi popolnoma neuporaben,saj lahko ljudem,ki imajo več ogrc res pomaga.
Among those who have tried the strips were also a couple of guys, so it can be used by all who have problems with blackheads. The efficacy of the product is dependent on if you have a lot of blackhead or as little as in my case. If you have a lot of blackhead and one strip does not remove everything, I recommend that you use two. The product is not the best for me (it's only 1.88 €), but not completely useless for people who have more blackheads,because it can really help them.
xoxo Tjaša:**