Hy loved ones!
I know I have a beauty blog,but I think this is an important subject to talk about and I can use my blog to share my experiance and also you can share yours or someones you know in the comments.
Živjo ljubčki!
Vem,da imam beauty blog,ampak se mi zdi epilepsija pomembna tema in lahko svoj blog izkoristim,da z vami delim svojo izkušnjo ter vi svojo ali od kakšnega znanca med komentarji.
So the first time I had a seizure was 2 years ago. I live in a flat and I went down the stairs to my
boyfriend and when I got to him I got my first seizure. The doctors said that I
just fainted but I knew that wasn´t it. The next time a had a seizure was in
the end of September and after that they are just more
and more common. In September I went to the doctor and she told me (just from
the description of the events) that I have epilepsy. She gave me Lamictal pills, which I had to take
more on every two weeks. She orderd me to go on MR and EEG, but these tests I have in March. Because of the pills I am always tired, I can´t remember anything and the sizures are still here and more strong. So I went and asked in the hospital if I can speak about that to my doctor and they told me I have to wait till April. Last sunday I had my first sizure in front of my parents, The were just crushed. My mum cries every day and they don´t live me alone for a second. After the seizures I feel depressed, confused, I don´t remember anything and every part of my body hurts. Before I was confused for just an hour or two,now I feel like this for days. I just can´t wait for March to come so that I can find out what is really wrong with me and those who are going throug the same thing.
If you are present when someone has a seizure,here are some tips for you:
- do not hold them
- do not put enything in there mouth
- put them on the side
- put something under there head
- just wait for the seizure to pass and keep them safe
Prvič sem imela napad pred dvema letoma. Ker živim v bloku, sem šla dol, ker me je tam čakal fant in ko sem prišla do njega sem imela prvi napad. Zdravniki so rekli, da sem samo omedlela, ampak sem vedela da ni bilo samo to. Naslednjič,ko sem imela napad je bil lani na koncu Septembra in do zdaj so vse pogostejši. Takrat sem šla k zdravnici,ki mi je rekla ( samo glede na opis dogodkov),da imam epilepsijo. Predpisala mi je tablete Lamictal,katerih dozo sem morala večati na vsaka dva tedna. Naročila me je tudi na MR in EEG, ki pa ju imam komaj Marca. Zaradi tablet sem vedno utrujena, si težko zapomnim stvari in napadi so še vedno prisotni in močni. Zaradi tega sem šla v bolnišnico, da bi se pogovorila z zdravnico o tem, ampak moram čakat do Aprila. Prejšnjo nedeljo sem imela prvič napad pred starši in je bilo grozno. Uboga mama se joče vsak dan in ne pustijo me samo niti za sekundo. Po napadih se počutim depresivno,zmedeno, nič ne se spomnim in boli me vsak del telesa. Prej sem se zmedeno počutila samo kako uro ali dve, zdaj pa se tako počutim več dni. Komaj čakam Marc, da bom izvedela kaj je v resnici narobe z mano in tistimi,ki mogoče preživljajo enake stvari.
Če ste prisotni,ko ima kdo napad,je tukaj nekaj napotkov za vas:
- ne držite jih k sebi
- nič jim ne vtikajte v usta
- postavite jih na bok
- položite jim nekaj pod glavo
- počakajte,da napad mine in pazite na njihovo varnost
Please share youre experiance with me and others in the comments, so we can learn from eachother-
Prosim deli svoje izkušnje z mano in drugimi v komentarji,da si bomo lahko pomagali med sabo.
xoxo Tjaša