10 beauty tricks that save time and money


Živjo moja prelepa dekleta:**
Danes bom z vami delila nekaj lepotnih trikov,ki vam bodo prihranile čas in denar.

Hello my pretty ladies:**
Today I am going to share with you some of my beauty tricks that will save you time and money.

#1 Rešite najljubšo šminko / Save youre favourite lipstick
 Se vam je kdaj zgodilo,da ste imalo najljubšo šminko in se vam polomi?? No tukaj je rešitev... Vzamite sušilec za lase in ga uporabite,da šminka postane mehkejša ( ne uporabite najbolj vročo nastavitev in ne uporabljajte ga predolgo). Šminko sestavite nazaj in pri delu kjer se je zlomila,previdno zgladite robove. Potem jo dajte v hladilnik ali zmrzovalnik in na drugi dan bo šminka spet uporabna,ne bo popolna,boste jo pa lahko spet uporabili.

Has it ever happened that you have a favourite lipstick and it broke ?? Well here is the solution ... Take a blow dryer and use it to soften the lipstick (do not use the hottest setting and do not use it for too long). Assemble the lipstick back where it broke and gently smooth out the edges. Then place it in the refrigerator or freezer and  the next day the lipstick will be useful again, it will not be perfect, but it will be useful again.

#2 Ko ti zmanjka pene za pritje / When youre out of shaving cream 

To lahko pomaga obema spoloma,saj se je že vsem zgodilo,da nam je zmanjkalo pene za pritje. Namesto pene lahko uporabite šampon ali balzam. Seveda ni treba uporabiti dragih šamponov in balzamov,ampak takšne,ki jih ne marate oz. vam ni teško uporabiti jih za kaj drugega kot za lase. Jaz raje uporabljam balzam,saj imam kasneje bolj mehke noge,saj mi jih balzam  lepo navlaži.

This can help man and women,because everybody has run out of shaving cream. In stead of the cream you can use shampoo or conditioner. Of course you do not need to use the expensive ones or the ones that you really love. You can use the ones that you do not like for you're hair or the ones you do not care about. I prefer to use conditioner, because it makes my legs softer  and it moistens them too.

#3 Neukrotljive obrvi / Crazy brows

Ko nismo naličene bi rade vseeno izgledale urejeno. No,včasih se obrvi temu zeloo upirajo in so kar vsepovsod. To lahko rešimo z nečim,kar ima vsaka punca v torbici: Balzam za ustnice! Ko so naše obrvi neukrotljive nanesemo malo lepljive labele in so urejene:) Naketere punce uporabljajo gel za obrvi,ampak ni vam treba zapravljat denar za takšne zadeve,Lahko uporabite ščetko za obrvi ali staro ščetko za zobe ter nanjo pošpricate malo laka za lase ter zgladite obrvi in bodo prav tako ostale na mestu ves dan.

When we dont have our makeup one we still want to look good. Well sometimes our brows resist oure plans and they are everywhere. That we can fix with something that every girl has in her bag: Lip Balm! When our brows are out of control,we just use the Balm and smooth them out:) Some girls use brow gels,but you dont need to spend money for that. You can use a spooly or an old tooth brush and spray a little bit of hairspray on it and run it trough you're brows and they will stay in place all day.

#4 Mehke noge / Soft feet

Vsi hočemo imeti mehka stopala. To lahko dosežemo tako,da na čiste noge namažemo veliko količino vazelina ali pa zeloo mastno kremo in si obujemo nogavice ter jih pustimo čez noč. Na drugi dan bodo noge zelo mehke.

Everyone wants to have soft feet. That can be achieved  with vaseline or very greasy cream. You put it all over you're clean feet and then put on some socks and leave it fore the night. The next day you're feet will be soft.

#5 Suhi in skodrani lasje / Dry and frizzy hair

Če imate suhe,skodrane in poškodovane lase, NE uporabljajte brisače,ko si umijete lase. Uporabite večjo,staro majico,ki ni tako groba do las,kot brisača in ker so lasje bolj krhki,ko so mokri,moramo biti bolj previdni kako jih sušimo ali krtačimo. Z uporabo majce se boste izognili tudi skuštranemu izgledu. In še za tiste,ki greste letos še na morje ali se boste čez leto kopali v toplicah,vam priporočam,da na lase nanesete balzam za lase,saj jih bo to zaščitilo pred slano ali klorirano vodo.

If you have dry,frizzy and damage hair,DO NOT use a towel,when you wash youre hair. Use an old,big T-shirt,that is not that rough to our hair and because our hair is more fragile when its wet, we need to be more careful how we dry and brush it. With a towel you will also avoid the frizz. And fore those that will go to summer vacation this year or will go swimming in the spa,use a conditioner before you go swimming and that will protect youre hair from salt and chlorinated water.

#6 Zmanjkalo najljubše maskare / Youre favorite mascara is gone

Zelo je moreče,ko najdete maskaro,ki vam nudi vse kar si želite,ki ni poceni in se posuši al preprosto zmanjka. Ni je potrebno vržti v smeti ali kupiti isto drago maskaro.  Napolnite skodelico z vodo in jo dajte v mikrovalovno za 1min,dajte suhe maskare v skodelico za 5min,mato jih vzamite ven in jih pustite v stoječem stanju za 5min. Lahko tudi stisnete kapljico ali dve acetona v suhe maskare.
Če vam krtača odgovarja in je maskara res prazna,lahko kupite eno zelo poceni in uporabljate svojo najljubšo krtačo.

It is very frustrated when you find you're  favorite mascara that gives you everything you need,its not cheep and it dries up or you used it all. Well you dont need to throw it away or buy the same expensive one. Fill a cup with water that you heat op in the microwave for 1min,then put you're dry mascaras in for 5min and after that you leave them for 5min in some place that they can stand. You can also put a droop or two of acetone in dry mascaras and leave them for 5 min.  If you like the brush and the mascara it empty,buy a cheep one and use the brush that you like.

#7 Slaba obstojnost šminke / My lipstick doesnt last

Imamo najljubšo šminko,se našminkamo, do konca uredimo in ko gremo ven,šminke več ni.:/ grozaa. Nanesite šminko,dajte preko eno plast robška in preko nanesite bel puder oz. kateri koli puder v prahu imate. Nato spet nanesite šminko. Večkrat boste ponovili ta korak,dlje časa bo šminka na vaših ustnicah.

You have a favorite lipstick,you put it one,you finish getting ready and when you're out the door the lipstick is gone :/ terrible. Put you're lipstick one and over it  one layer of tissue paper and over it apply a translucent powder or. any powder you have. The more times you do this step,the longer you're lipstick is going to stay on.

#8 Šminka na zobeh / Lipstick on youre teeth 

Se vam je kdaj zgodilo,da ste šle na zmenek,sestanek in ko ste se nasmehnile je bila šminka na zobeh ne na ustnicah?? To težavo rešite tako,da nanesete šminko in date prst v usta in ga potegnete ven. Tako bo odvečna šminka na vašem prstu in ne va zobeh,

Is it ever happened that you went on a date,meeting and when you smiled the lipstick was on you're  teeth not on you're lips?? That problem you can solve like this: you apply you're lipstick and then put you're finger in the mouth and slide in out so the excess lipstick is one you're finger on on you're teeth.

#9 Kam nanesti parfum / Where to put perfume?

Parfuma ne nanašajte kar tako po telesu in oblačilih. Nanestite ga za ušesi,na sredini vrata, na notranji strani komolcev,zapestju in če imate krilo ali kratke hlače tudi za koleni. To so točke,ki izločajo toploto in tako boste ob vsakem premiku dišale in ne bo vam treba naesti parfuma cel dan.

Dont spray pefrume randomly on you're body and clothes. Spray it behind the ears, the base of you're throat, inside you're elbow,on the wrist and if you are wearing a skirt or shorts, behind you're knees. These are the points that egsue heat and that will help to egsue the smell and you will not have to put perfume on the rest of the day.

#10 Barvanje doma / Coloring youre hair at home

Ko si barvate lase doma,morate zaščititi pohištvo ter svojo kožo na predelu čela,ušes,vratu in ramen oz. vsak del,ki je izpostavljen. To naredite z mastno,veliko količino kreme. Se pa zgodi,da včasih ne nanesemo zadostne količine kreme in imamo barvo na koži. Če se vam to zgodi,vzamite pepel iz pepelnika ali pa poiščite nekoga,ki kadi in uporabite ta pepel in ga z robčkom razmažite na predlu,kjer je barva in nato sperite z vodo. Ne čakajte predolgo,saj drugače ne boste mogli odstaniti barve.

When you color you're hair,you must protect the furniture and you're forehead,ears,neck and shoulders and any part that is exposed. You can protect you're skin by using a very greasy cream. But sometimes we dont put enough cream and we get the color on our skin. If that heppens use the ash from the ashtray or find someone that smokes and use that ash and spread it on the place where you have the color and then wash it off. Dont wait too long or you wont get the color off.

Upam,da vam tp kaj pomaga in če imate tudi vi kakšne lepotne trike jih napišite v komentarje in jih delite z mano in z ostalimi bralkami.

I hope this helps you and if you have any beauty tricks that you liked to share,leave them in the comments below.

Love you Tjaša

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