Essence: Say No To Imperfections Concealer and Essence XXL Longlasting lipgloss Review


Živijo punce!!
Se opravičujem,ker dolgo nisem nič objavila,ampak so bili problemi z računalnikom in telefonom-.-.  No za danes sem se odločila napisati oceno o Essence korektorju in glossu.

Hello beauties!!
I am soo very sorry,that I didn´t post in a while,but there was a problem with my computer and phone-.- Well today I´we decided to post a review on the Essence gloss and concealer.

Ker mi je bil zelo všeč tekoč korektor od Essence sem hotela poskusiti še Say No To Imperfections z  njihove nove kolekcije. Moj je v barvi 20 Natural beige. Če hočete videti oceno istega korektorja proti rdečici,si lahko pogledate objavo od Simone-Beauty of a Lemon,ki ima super blog in je vredno pogledat njene objave. Ta korektor je odličen za malo večje mozoljčke in nepravilnosti,ki jih hočemo prekriti.Je kremaste teksturo in se mi zdi,da ima mešanico roza in rumenega podtona. Na spodnji strani ga zavrtimo,da dobimo več izdelka. Sama sem zelo zadovoljna z njim in velikokrat imam namesto pudra,kar ta korektor tam kjer ga rabim in že lahko grem ven. Edina pomanjkljivost je,da dobimo malo izdelka. Cena korektorja= 2,19€.

Because I love the liquid concealer from Essence, I wanted to try out the Say No To Inperfections from there new line. Mine is in the color 20 Natural Beige. If you want to see a review for the concealer for redness,you can go read a post from Simona-Beauty of a Lemon,that has a great blog and it´s worth to read at her posts. This concealer is great for bigger inperfections,that we want to hide. It is a creamy texture and I think it has a mix of pink and yelow undertone. We need to twisted on the bottom to get more product out. I am very happy with it and I often put on just this concealer instead of foundation and I´m good to go. The only flaw is that we don´t get  a lot of product. The price= 2,19€.

Ko sem kupovala korektor sem kar na enkrat opazila gloss,ki sem ga takoj morala kupit. Govorim o Essence XXL Longlasting lipgloss.Ker se je začela prelepa jesen,so mi zelo všeč temnejši odtenki šminke/glossa,saj zelo poudarijo moje ustnice in so super za jesen. Moj odtenek je  14: Make a Statement. Sicer sem izbrala ta odtenek,ampak imajo še mnogo drugih prelepih odtenkov tako,da se za vsakega nekaj najde. Tudi Mateja z Mateja´s beauty blog  ima nekaj prelepih Essence odtenkov in vam priporčam,da si ogledate še njene objave. Sama imam v tem letnem času malenkost raje šminke,ampak sem dala temu glossu priložnost in ni me razočaral pri pigmentaciji.Je lepo pigmentiran in če bi bil slučajno kateri preveč pigmentiran,ga lahko nanese bolj na rahlo in s tem postane gloss tudi bolj primeren dnevnemu looku. Del,da naj bi bil dolgo obstojen ni tako resničen in sem glede tega razočarana,ampak za to ceno je ok. Če jeste ali pijete,efekt glossa izgine in barva postane bolj bleda.Cena lipglossa= 2,25€.

When I was buying the concealer I noticed a lipgloss,that I had to buy right away. I´m talking about Essence XXL Longlasting lipgloss. Because fall has come,I´m loving darker shades of lipstick/lipgloss,because they really bing out my lips and they are great for fall. I have the shade 14: Make a Statement. I choosed this shade,because it was my favourite but they have a lot of beautiful shades,so they have something for everyone. Also Mateja from Mateja´s beauty blog has a lot of Essence shades and I recomend that you go read her posts. In this time of the year I reader wear lipsticks,but I gave this lipgloss a chance and it didn´t disapoint me with the pigmentation . It is very pigmented and if its too pigmanted for you,you can also alppy it very gently and with that the gloss becomes day time suitable. But the longlasting part is not that longlasting and I´m disapointed with that,but for that price it´s ok. If you eat or drink the gloss effect disapears and the color is more pale.The price= 2.25 €.

xoxo, Tjaša

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