Christmas Tag


Hello my lovely readers!

Pozdravljene moje prelepe bralke!

I know,I know I haven´t blogged in a loong time, I feel so quilty, but I have been so busy in school with exams in trying my best so it will be worth it, but don´t worry..I´m back and I have a lot of beauty things to chat with you about.
Vem, vem, da dolgooo nisem pisala bloga, počutim se res zelo krivo, ampak sem zelo zaposlena z faxom in kolokviji in se res trudim, da bodo glede na mojo odsotonost,vsaj ocene čim boljše, ampak vrnila sem se in imam mnogo produktov in nasvetov za lepotni klepet z vami.

Well today I´we been taged by Manca from Invisibly perfect (thank you Manca for taging me), to do a Christmas Tag,witch is my favourite time of the year.No,danes me je Manca, ki ima Invisibly perfect ( hvala Manca za tag) blog, označila med enega izmed njenih TAGov in to je Christmas Tag. Zaradi Božiča in vseh teh lepih praznikov je to moj najljubši čas v letu.

1. What is your favourite thing about Christmas? Kaj imaš najraje pri Božiču?

I love every thing about Christmas. The decorations, the food, gifts, lights... I love how people spend this time of the year to think about others and how to make them happy and how all the family comes together and celebretes.
Rada imam vse  povezano z božičem, Obožujem dekoracijo, hrano, darila, lučke...Najraje vidim tudi, kako ljudje v tem času pomislijo na druge ljudi okoli sebe in kako njih osrečiti in kako se zbere ela družina in skupaj praznuje.

2. Giving or receiving presents? Podarjati ali prejemati darila?

I love giving presents, because I´m so excited to find that special thing for my loved ones and the moment when they open the prasents is so precious when they are so happy. I also like to recive presents, I won't lie, but who doesn´t  like that.:)
Rada obdarjam, saj sem zelo vznemirjena, ko iščem tisto eno posebno stvar za svoje najbližje in najlepše mi je, ko ta darila odpirajo, saj je nekaj najbolj dragocenega,da jih to darilo osreči. Rada tudi prejemam darila, ne bom lagala,ampak kdo ne mara  tega.:)

3. Real or fake tree? Prava ali umetna jelka?

We have a fake tree,but someday when I will live hopefully in a bigger hause, I would love to have a reall tree.
Imamo umetno jelko, ampak nekega dne, ko in če bom živela v večji hiši, bi z veseljem imela pravo jelko.

4. If you could only buy one person a present this year, who would it be? Če bi letos lahko podaril samo eni osebi nekaj, kdo bi ta oseba bila?

Hm,this is  tough one,but I would have to say my mom, because she really does so much for me and she deserves this and so much more.
Hm,ta je težka,ampak bi obdarila mamo, ker vedno naredi tako veliko za mene in si res zasluži to in še več.

5. Do you open your presents in the morning or evening? Odpreš darila zjutraj ali zvečer?

I always open my presents in the morning,because I love the excitemed and we all do it together.
Vedno odprem darila zjutraj,ker obožujem vznemirjenje in je to nekaj kar vedno počnemo skupaj.

6. Handmade or bought Christmas cards? Doma narejene ali kupljene Božične kartice/čestitke?

I have and I will always do handmade/homemade cards, because it is more personal and you can right and decorate them as you want.
Vedno sem in bom doma delala kartice/čestitke,saj msilim,da so bolj osebne in lahko vanje napišem in jih okrasim po želji.

7. Do you like to stay in your PJ’s, or dress up for Christmas? Raje ostaneš v pidžami ali se urediš za božič?

That dependes if I´m going somewhere. Sometimes I just stay in my PJ´s and watch Christmas movies all day, but sometimes we visit some family and then I dress up.
Odvisno,če grem kam. Včasih ostanem z pidžami in gledam cel dan božične filme, včasih pa koga obiščemo in se potem uredim.

8. What is your favourite Christmas film? Najljubši božični film?

My god, there are so many. Home alone has become a tredition in my hause,so I would have to say it is my favourite. I start watching christmas movies as soon as December 1st comes,but on Christmas day I have a christmas movie maraton.:)
Toliko jih je. Sam doma je postal tradicija pri nas,zato mora povedat,da je ta moj najljubši. Božične filme začnem gledat takoj,ko je 1 December, na božični dan pa imam pravi maraton božičnih filmov.:)

9. Have you ever made a snowman? Si kdaj naredil/a sneženega moža?

Every year when it´s enough snow.
Vsako leto,ko je dovolj snega.

Hope you enyoj and I will see you soon!

MATEJA&MATEJA- Matejiustvarjata
And everyone who want´s to do this TAG!

xoxo Tjaša

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