Hy hy my beautifull girls!
Today I wanted to rewiev for you the new Essence liquid lipsticks. I only have three from the whole collection.
I have: 01 Colour party,03 Almost real,06 Make a statement and every color is very different and beautifull in there on way.
Hy hy moja lepa dekleta!
Danes sem za vas pripravila oceno novih Essence tekočih šmink. Imam samo tri z cele kolekcije.
To so: 01 Colour party,03 Almost real,06 Make a statement in vsaka barva je drugačna in lepa po svoje.
Colour party is a very baby pink colour and I wasn´t sure to buy it, because pink colours are not for me, but I acttualy really like it and I use it almost every day.
Colour party je precej baby pink barve in nisem bila ravno prepričana za nakup, saj roza-pink barv niso ravno zame, ampak mi je dejansko všeč in jo uporabljam skoraj vsak dan.
Almost real is a nice nude colour with a nice mixture of peach and brown. I have A LOT of nude glosses and lipsticks, but I feel like this one is something special.
Almost real je lepa nude barva z mešanico breskvine in rjave barve. Imam OGROMNO nude glossov in šmink, ampak se mi zdi,da je ta nekaj posebnega.
Make a statement has a name that speaks for it self. It is a darker red with a little purple undertone, but I think it is a little bit brighter on the lips then in the packeg and on swatches.
Make a statement ima ime,ki govori zase. Je temnejše rdeča z malo vijoličnega podtona, ampak se mi zdi je svetlejša na ustnicah kot v pakiranju in swatchih.
The lipsticks are not very sticki, they last a pretty long time on the lips, than some other liquid lipsticks I had and they are very practical. I really like them and I am for shure buying more of them. The price is 2.79€.
This was a short review on this great liquid lipsticks, that I hope you enjoyed.
Chat with you next time
xoxo Tjaša
Today I wanted to rewiev for you the new Essence liquid lipsticks. I only have three from the whole collection.
I have: 01 Colour party,03 Almost real,06 Make a statement and every color is very different and beautifull in there on way.
Hy hy moja lepa dekleta!
Danes sem za vas pripravila oceno novih Essence tekočih šmink. Imam samo tri z cele kolekcije.
To so: 01 Colour party,03 Almost real,06 Make a statement in vsaka barva je drugačna in lepa po svoje.
Colour party is a very baby pink colour and I wasn´t sure to buy it, because pink colours are not for me, but I acttualy really like it and I use it almost every day.
Colour party je precej baby pink barve in nisem bila ravno prepričana za nakup, saj roza-pink barv niso ravno zame, ampak mi je dejansko všeč in jo uporabljam skoraj vsak dan.
Almost real is a nice nude colour with a nice mixture of peach and brown. I have A LOT of nude glosses and lipsticks, but I feel like this one is something special.
Almost real je lepa nude barva z mešanico breskvine in rjave barve. Imam OGROMNO nude glossov in šmink, ampak se mi zdi,da je ta nekaj posebnega.
Make a statement has a name that speaks for it self. It is a darker red with a little purple undertone, but I think it is a little bit brighter on the lips then in the packeg and on swatches.
Make a statement ima ime,ki govori zase. Je temnejše rdeča z malo vijoličnega podtona, ampak se mi zdi je svetlejša na ustnicah kot v pakiranju in swatchih.
This was a short review on this great liquid lipsticks, that I hope you enjoyed.
Chat with you next time
xoxo Tjaša