The Fall Favourites Tag
Hello loves!
So the seasons are chainging and I´m so happy about that, because is not to hot,not to cold and everything is full of colors and great fashion and of course makeup. So for this post I wanted to do a Tag and I saw the perfect one on Youtube from Jaclyn Hill (love this girl), that was a great inspiration. I tag everyone that want´s to do the tag and if you do it, please link the post down below in the comments so we can read it and get to know you better. Hope you enjoy.
Živjo lepotičke!
Letni časi se spreminjajo,kar me zelo veseli, saj ni preveč vroče,ne preveč hladno in vse je polno barv, lepih oblačil in seveda makeup lookov, Zaradi tega sem hotela za to objavo narediti Tag in sem na Youtubu videla odličnega od Jaclyn Hill, ki mi je bil odličen navdih. Tagam vsakogar, ki si Tag želi narediti in če ga naredite, prosim spodaj med komentarje pustite link svojih tagov, da jih lahko vsi preberemo in se bolj spoznamo. Upam, da vam bo všeč.
1. Best fall memories?
Jumping in puddles after the rain. It was just so much fun. I loved it.
Najljubši jesenski spomini?
Skakanje v luže po dežju kot otrok. Bilo je neverjetno zabavno.
2. Favourite drink for fall?
Tea for shure. I like the chamomile and fruit tea. I also think that tea is the helathyest drink besides water and I love the smell of fresh tea,
Najljubša jesenska pijača?
Definitivno čaj. Najraje imam kamilčni in sadni čaj. Mislim, da so čaji najbolj zdrava pijača polek vode in obožujem vonj svežega čaja.
3. Favourite clouthing item for fall?
This is a tough question for me, because I LOVEE everything. From leather jackets,scarfs to boots, but if I really have to choose one, I would say scarfes, because you can dress very simple and add a nice colorfull one or with a nice print and you´re good to go.
Najljubši kos oblačila za jesen?
To je res težko vprašanje, saj mi je všeč vse. Od usnjenih jaken,šalov do škornjev,ampak če moram izbrat samo en kos, bi izbrala šal, saj se lahko oblečeš zelo preprosto in dodaš lep barvni ali vzorčasti šal in si urejena.
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The raini days |
4. Favourite lipstick/gloss color for fall?
My favourite lipstick color for fall is a dark red. I like the one from Essence 18-Matt Wanted and the gloss I like is also from Essence (I know, a lot from Essence,but I like affordable products) XXXL Nude 06-Soft Almond.
Najljubša barva šminke/glosa za jesen?
Moja najljubša barva šminke za jesen je temno rdeča. Všeč mi je Essenceva 18-Matt Wanted in glos, ki mi je všeč je tudi od Essence (vem,dosti od Essence,ampak so mi všeč cenejši produkti) XXXL Nude 06- Soft Almond.
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18-Matt Wanted |
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06-Soft Almond |
5. Favourite parfume for fall?
For fall I have noticed that I use the YSL Manifesto and Lancome La vie est belle parfume the most. My boyfriend bought these two for me and I just love them. The Lancome one I´we just emptied and I am so sad about that. They are bouth more on the sweet side, but the Lancome one is more sweet. I love them bouth and every time I put them on, the smell just reminds me of happy times and my great boyfriend.
Najljubši parfum za jesen?
Za jesen sem opazila, da največ uporabljam YSL Manifesto in Lancome La vie est belle parfum. Fant mi kupil oba in ju naravnost obožujem. Lancomovega sem ravno izpraznila, kar me zelo žalosti. Oba imata bolj sladki vonj, s tem, da je Lancomov bolj sladki. Oba obožujem saj me njun vonj spominja na vesele trenutke in seveda mojega super fanta,
6. Favourite foundation for fall?
My skin is more on the dry side and with this season it get´s even dryer so I like the Bourjois Healthy mix serum for my foundation in the fall. It just gives me the hydration that I need for glowie and healthy looking skin.
Najljubša podlaga za jesen?
Moja koža je bolj na suhi strani in z tem letnim časom postane še bolj suha, zato mi je najbolj všeč Bourjois Healthy mix serum podlaga za jesen. Nudi mi ravno dovolj hidratacije, ki jo potrebujem za sijoč in zdrav videz kože.
7. Favourite TV show?
Hm...SEX AND THE CITY for shure. I watch it in every time of the year but in the fall I spend more time inside so I get a blanket and a snack and I watch that show the most.
Najljubša TV serija?
Hm...SEX V MESTU. Serijo gledam čez celo leto, ampak jeseni preživljam svoj čas bolj noter in vzamem odejo ter prigrizek in največkrat gledam ravno to serijo.
Whell this complites my Fall Favourites Tag.I hope you enyojed it and got to know me better and I´m very excidet to read or watch you´r tags.
S tem se konča moj Najljubše jeseni Tag (al kako že naj prevedem to). Upam, da ste uživali in me bolje spoznali, jaz pa se zelo veselim branja ali gledanja vaših tagov.
Chat with you next time!
xoxo Tjaša
2 komentarji
Všečnen tag :) zanimivo glede healty mix seruma, sama ga imam doma, pa mam tud kar suho kožo in nisem ravno navdušena :/ vedno se mi začne luščiti :/ mi je bolj všeč kar navadna healty mix podlaga :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIn essence šminka matt wanted zgleda čudovito :)
Me veseli, da ti je všeč:). Meni odgovarja, če pa imaš sama suho kožo, ki se lušči poskusi Afroditin Hydra Thermal serum, sicer da matt efekt, ampak kožo fullll navlaži. Meni je spremenil kožo popolnoma.:)