Kylie Jenner Makeup Look - Step by step
14:20Pozdravljene punce!
Ker imamo poletje letos bolj ubogo,sem se jaz že prejšnji teden igrala malo z Kylie Jenner makeup lookom,ki se mi zdi odličen za jasen. Korakov do tega izgleda je malo in ne potrebujemo veliko izdelkov je pa velik poudarek na šminki,ki zelo lepo poudari ustnice in se mi zdi primeren za prav vsako punco.
Hello girls!
Because we have a poor summer this year, I have already played a bit with Kylie Jenner makeup look this week, which seems a great look for fall . Steps to achieve this look are minimal and we do not need a lot of products,but it is a big emphasis on the lipstick, which really brings out the lips and I find it suitable for just about every girl.
1.STEP- Clean&tone&moisturize / Čiščenje&toniranje&vlaženje
Za bolj globinsko čiščenje in toniranje uporabljam Nivea aqua effect osvežujoče mleko in tonik 2v1. Kožo zelo očisti in tonira ter jo naredi mehko. Za vlažilno kremo pa uporabljam Nivea Soft kremo,ki se hitro vpije in kožo navlaži ter nima zelo mastnega finisha. .
For more deep cleansing and toning I use Nivea aqua effect refreshing milk and tonic 2in1.It cleans and tones well and makes the skin very soft. For my moisturizer I use the Nivea Soft cream,that absorbes quickly and moisturizes and doesn't leave a greasy finish.
Pustite delovati 5 min pred nanosom pudra,saj bo ta lepše ter dlje časa na vašem obrazu.
Wait at least 5 min before applyng youre foundation,becouse it will stay longer and better on youre face.
2. STEP-Apply foundation &-or concealer & bronzer / Uporabite podlago in-ali korektor in bronzer
Nanesite podlago in-ali korektor ter bronzer po lastnih željah in potrebah. Če boste uporabili korektor,ga nanesite pod očmi,na sredini nosa,nad ustnico,nad obrvmi in sredini čela,da osvetlite obraz.Kylie ne uporablja dosti rdečila,ampak bronzer,zato sem tudi sama nanesla temnejši puder na lička in na področje senc.Uporabite katero koli podlago,korektor in bronzer. Jaz uporabljam Bourjois healthy mix N-52 Vanillia podlago, Essence stay natural concealer in 03 Soft nude in temnejši puder v prahu Manhattan compact powder 75 beige.Podlago in puder obožujem saj mi da videz zdrave in lepe kože,korektor pa ni ravno moj najljubši (iščem boljšega..kakšni predlogi?),
Apply foundation and-or concealer and bronzer to youre own wishes and needs. If you use concealer, apply it under the eyes, in the middle of the nose, on the upper lip,above the eyebrows and the middle of the forehead to brighten the face.Kylie does not use much blush,but she uses bronezer,so I did the same and applyed a darker powder on my chicks and temples. You can use any foundation,cocealer and bronzer you want. I use Bourjois healthy mix N-52 Vanillia foundation ,Essence stay natural concealer in 03 Soft nude and Manhattan compact powder 75 beige.I love the foundation and the powder becouse it gives me a healthy,nice looking skin. The concealer is not my number 1(Im looking for a better one,any sugestions?).
3. STEP- Shaping Eyebrows / Oblikovanje obrvi
Za ta videz je še bolj pomembno,da imamo lepo oblikovane obrvi.
Vsak oblikuje svoje obvi po svoje,glede na obliko obrvi in njihovo intenzivnostjo. Lahko uporabljate svinčnik za obrvi ali senčila za obrvi. Jaz uporabljam svinčink Catrice Eye Brow v barvi 40. Izdelek dobite v treh barvah in je cenovno zelo dostopen in z njim hitro in učinkovito zapolnite in oblikujete obrvi.
For this look is even more important to have nicely shaped eyebrows.
Every one shapes their brows in there own way, depending on their eyebrow shape and intensity. You can use eyebrow pencil or eyebrow shades. I use a pencil Catrice Eye Brow in color 40. You can get the pencil in three colors and its very affordable and you can quickly and efficiently fill and shape youre eyebrows.
4.STEP- Eyeshadow / Senčilo
Oči morajo biti v tem izgledu bolj nevtralne,zemeljske ter matt barve. Odtenke lahko izberete drugačne in jih po lastnih željah in potrebah prilagodite barvi in obliki svojih oči. Uporabite svetlejšo matt barvo v notranji strani očesa ter na najvišji točki pod obrvmi. Za zunanji del pa uporabite temnejše rjave odtenke.
Jaz sem uporabila svojo Makeup Revolution Welcome to the Pleasuredome paleto senčil ter eno staro paleto senčil,šmink in rdečil z Oriflama. Z Makeup Revolution paletke sem uporabila prva dva matt odtenke svetle in rjave barve ter rjavo mešala z bolj rdečo/oranžno barvo Oriflamove paletke.
For this look the eyes must be more neutral, earthy and matt colors. You can select different shades and according to youre own wishes and needs adjust them to the color and shape of youre eyes. Use a lighter matt color in the inner corner of the eye and at the highest point below the eyebrows. In the outer part, use darker shades of brown.
I used my Makeup Revolution Welcome to the Pleasuredome palette and one old palette of eyeshadows, lipsticks and blushes by Oriflame. Of the Makeup Revolution palette, I used the first two shades of bright and matt brown and I mixed the brown with more red / orange Oriflame eyeshadow.
5. STEP- Eyeliner and lashes / Eyeliner in trpalnice
V tem koraku lahko naredite in uporabite kar želite. Kylie skoraj v vsakem makeup looku narediti "cat line" ali "winged liner" in tako sem naredila tudi jaz. Zame je takšno črto z eyelinerjem težko narediti saj imam tako obliko oči,da se moja veka skoraj ne vidi,amapk si pomagam s lepilnim trakom,ki ga zalepim tako,kot prikazuje slika in narišem ter oblikujem črto. Tudi ti si lahko tako pomagaš. Za eyeliner uporablaj tekočega od znamke S-he,ki je lepo tanek in hiter za uporabo. Sicer ne piše,da bi bil vodoodporen,ampak se mi zdi,da je saj ga težko odstranim.
In this step you can do and use what ever you want. Kylie almost always does the "winged liner" and thats what I did. It was hard for me becouse I have hooded eyes but I did it with the help of tape that I use as the picture shows.You can alsow use this technique if you have trouble doing the winged liner. For my eyeliner I use a liquid one form the brand S-he,that is thin and easy to use. It doesn't say that it is waterproof,but I think it is,because I have trouble removing it.
Maskaro lahko uporabite katero koli,ki vam odgovarja. Lahko uporabite tudi umetne trpalnice,da bodo vaše oči izstopale. Jaz uporabljam Maybelline the Rocket volum express waterproof maskaro,ki meni najbolj odgovarja in mi je najljubša.
You can use what ever mascara you like. You can alsow use false eyelashes to make youre eyes poop. I use the Maybelline the Rocket volum express waterproof mascara that works for me and it is my favorite mascara.
6. STEP- The lips / Ustnice
Ustnice so najpomembnejši del tega looka. Kylie uporablja temno rdčko/rjavo barvo,ki sem jo poskusila sama tudi zmešati z večimi šminkami. Ni treba doseči isti odtenek kot ga imam jaz ali Kylie saj vsaki pristajajo drugačni toni. Jaz sem najprej uporabila šminko The One z Makeup Revolutiona,ki je zelo mehka nude šminka. Nato sem dodala malo Labello friuity shine strawberry,čez pa še prvi in tretji odtenek z Oriflame paletke,da sem dobila bolj temno rdeč/ejav odtenek šminke.
The lips are the most inportant part of this look. Kylie uses a dark red/brown lipstick that I tried to mix together myself. You dont have to make the same shade as Kylie or me,because for everyone works a different shade, I used my The One lipstick from Makeup Revolution that is a very soft nude lipstick. Then I added Labello friuity shine strawberry,and over the first and third shade of lipsticks from Oriflame palette for that dark red/brown shade.
All of the products |
The first palette is from Makeup Revolution-Welcome to the Pleasuredome and the second one is from Oriflame. |
The final look-I really need to find a lipstick in this shade:) |
The look was inspired from this picture |
Hope this helps and that you liked it. If you want to see more makeup looks just write them in the comments below:)
2 komentarji
Zelo lep makeup, ti pristaja. :))
OdgovoriIzbrišiŠe lepše bi izpadlo, če bi bile malenkost večje slike - samo nasvet. :)
Hvala:) Ga bom upostevala:))